Sunday, January 20, 2013

Blogging vs. Wikis

Blogs and Wikis

This YouTube video features what I assume to be an educator, Leslie Masden Brooks, that explains her perceptions of blogging and wikis with general ideas as to how to incorporate them into your instructional practice.  

As I read and/or watched the various resources on blogging and wikis, I noticed some commonalities.  The chart is my attempt to organize the information for my own purposes while providing a quick glance comparison of the two tools.  Regrettably, the cute little check marks came out as squares on the blog and I am not sure how to rectify that problem.

Potential Benefits
Promotes Collaboration
Immediate Feedback
Active Participation
Creative self expression
Invites outside resources/knowledge bases

Increase motivation
Differentiation naturally embedded
Global awareness and exchange
Increased student achievement
Develop multiliteracies
Learning independent from time and space
Captures metacognition

Potential for Cost Reduction
Ease of record keeping for students & teachers

In my opinion, the benefits far outweigh the challenges in theory but I am sure I will suffer growing pains while implementing blogs in instructional practices until my comfort level increases.

Potential Challenges
Biased/inaccurate information

Lack of technological tools
Participation affected by extraneous time factors
Development of social competencies
Cultural impacts on collaborative process
Openness of participants


Richardson, W. (2010). Blogs, wikis, podcasts, and other powerful web tools for classrooms. (3rd ed.). Corwin Press.

Online Collaborative Inquiry: Classroom Blogging and Multiple Literacies by Judy Arzt


  1. I love this chart! It is really helpful way to compare wikis and blogs. Did you make it or find it somewhere?

  2. Thank you Leslie! I made it using the information I found but it did not cut and paste very well. I don't know how to create tables in the blog space though so ??? It is not as cute as I had hoped it would be.
